Bulcon Group is a Bulgarian consulting company providing services in the field of human resources. Our strongest expertise is focused on executive search. Currently we have offices in the cities of Sofia and Varna. Bulcon Group is owned by two managing partners who are active senior consultants and together with their team work full-time in order to provide their clients with the highest quality solution within the shortest timeframe. Bringing together a team of professionals who have gained many years of experience in providing consulting services, we easily understand the needs of our clients and can rely on a wide network of potential candidates. The established processes we follow, the emphasis we put on the quality of our work, the proactive approach of our consultants and our client focus make us believe that we can be your partner of choice!
All of Bulcon Group’s activities are focused on providing quality service, building lasting relationships and helping the most progressive companies and the strongest professionals on the market cross their paths. At the heart of everything we do stand our values and our commitment to our clients!
Our main values:
- Professionalism
- Mutual trust
- Long-term partnership
Our promise to clients:
- The highest quality service
- The shortest time frame
- The most competitive price
Our promise to candidates:
- Impartial advice
- Professional support
- Quick feedback